Top 7 Ways to Make Money with Gaming

Top 7 Ways to Make Money with Gaming

Do you play games for hours every day and end up listening to your mom shouting “get out and get a real job” – to earn money.

Well, now you don’t need to worry anymore while playing video games as you’ll be able to earn enough to put food on the table. If you’re passionate about gaming, have extraordinary skills, and dream about becoming a full-time gamer earning real cash, then this blog is just for you.

Many game geeks spend hours playing these virtual sweepstakes and make real-time money in a matter of hours, or even minutes. In contrast to a 9-to-5 office job, it all depends upon your gaming skills, creativity, and exceptionality as a gamer. The more your game is impressive and your way of talking is entertaining, the more chances you’ll make more money.

7 Ways to Make Money with Gaming

See, how amazing and worry-free mindful investing it could be, right?! So without further ado, here are the Top-7 ways you can make money with gaming.

1. Make a YouTube Channel

One of the easiest and most demanding means to make money via gaming is that you create your gaming channel on YouTube. There’s no investment required except that you have a good, if not the best PC available on the table.

There are lots of players in the world that have become famous and reach recognition worldwide through YouTube channels. A few best examples include Pewdiepie, VanossGaming, Ninja, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye, to name a few.

But remember, before hastily opening your computer and start crawling over your YouTube profile to set it as a gamer’s video channel, you need to follow suit:

  • Add dramatic sounds and songs followed by roasting (sarcastically embarrassing) high-profile players and celebrities. (PewDiePie).
  • Add puns and laughable commentary with special effects like NightBlue3.
  • Coach newbies rules and guides of games alongside the outcome of decisions made in the game like how Metaphor does.

To monetize your YouTube channel, you need around 4000 public watch hours and 1000 subscribers on your channel.

2. Make an Account on Twitch

Join in the dedicated gaming video streaming service Twitch to make money online. Here you’ll find a lot of popular game players engaged with their thousands and millions of diehard fans.

Twitch generated a staggering $1.54 billion revenue for the year 2019 and the best players made $3000 to $5000 per month. Twitch is a full-blown entertainment medium where game streamers upload their content or go live. The highest-earning gamers on the platform include Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins ($400k – $800k per month), Michael ‘Shroud’ Grzesiek ($150k – $ per month), and Jaryd ‘Summit1g’ Lazar ($100k – $125k per month). These earnings aren’t average overall but mostly account for other reputable gamers on the platform.

On an estimated average, genuine profile “full-time” video game streamers earn around $10,000 to $20,000 per year.

Like YouTube, you have to become a ‘Twitch Partner’ and have the required credentials to start earning in the popular online game streaming arena.

  • A minimum of 500 minutes gameplay broadcast over a month.
  • You must have 7-day on-air gaming days in a month.
  • 50 or more followers on your Twitch account.
  • 3 or more regular viewers in a month.

3. Become a Game Reviewer

No mumbo jumbo rules but a simple perspective for the game, this is what game reviewers do exactly. Though, games develop the hype and excitement through their epic game trailers, wide-ranging marketing campaigns investing millions of dollars, hiring social media influencers, exclusive adverts, and whatnot.

But in the end on the consumer-end, the ultimate “buyer’s guide” satisfaction is brought to them by game reviewers on YouTube. These critics breakdown parts of the game and talk about particular gameplay aspects extensively, so that the potential gamer is 100% sure to go for the purchase or not.

4. Actively Compete in Tourneys

One of the most popular ways to make money is to take part in gaming competitions. You need to check on with your local gaming community to check for video game tournaments you’re best at. Local game contests include Call of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG, Minecraft, and others.

If you’re able to stand out from the crowd in your gaming district, then there are high chances you could reach for the international e-Sports position, eventually representing your country as a gamer.

5. Choose a Game-Oriented Career

One of the easiest ways to earn money through gaming is that you choose game-based jobs as a career. You can become a videogame developer, a game journalist, or join a customer service support for a famous Game Company.

Otherwise, you can search on Google to look up for potential gaming vocations availability. The average salaries are $80k – $90k for developers, $30k – $35k for journalists per year, and CSR employees making $12 to $20 per hour.

6. Sell your Game Profile

Another way to earn money online is to sell a hard-earned gaming profile made on a globally hyped popular video game. If you’re a pro gamer or a veteran on a specific game having years of experience, then there are high chances your game profile is worth thousands of dollars. 

Some demanding game profiles include PUBG, 8 Ball Pool, Fortnite, and DOTA.

7. Invest your In-game Currency

In-Game Currency

If you’ve got a huge number of currencies or points in your profile, you can sell your cash, unlocked premium buys, bonuses, and other incentives you’ve won in the game all these years. It’s just like multinational companies buying and selling their sister companies.

I hope you’ve understood what are the Top 7 ways to make money with Gaming. Don’t waste your time just playing games, instead, start earning money.

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Lucas Luke: An Engineer, Youtuber, Sportsman and National Level Shooter with a Taste for Technology and Gadgets. Loves to Review Tech and Play the Most Demanding Games out there.

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