Tribes of Midgard – An Ultimate Survival Guide

Tribes of Midgard

Tribes of Midgard allow online gamers to confront hordes of enemies and accumulate resources with the help of dynamic synergies and deadly combos. Players need a unique set of skills and capabilities while combating the foes and unlocking six classes namely Guardian, Seer, Hunter, Berserker, Sentinel, and Warden.

It is advisable to start with some clothes and craft an axe using some Flint and Branches. There are two ways to cover the path – choose the beaten one or branch it off while exploring the game world.

Tribes of Midgard gameplay is known for big dungeons, fighting giants, designing potent weapons, souls gathering, and armor with resources. You can play this game solo or with up to 9 fighters. For redeeming Tribes of Midgard Shift Codes, it is essential to link your account with the game. Let us take a look into the things you need to survive in the game:

  • Garner Resources around the village

Your first task will be to explore the outskirts of the place and gather branches and flirts. Further, move to Eyrun the Tinker to trade a Pickaxe and Flint Lumberaxe. Now, go ahead and start looking for other available resources to level up and stay ready for upcoming encounters with the enemies.

  • Understand the required resources to farm

It is essential to comprehend the resources to prepare for the night cycle. For basics, gather iron, wood, and stone for your sword, hammer, axe, and bow. To create your armor sets, you need to accumulate wood, silver, leather, and tiny bones, and so on. At this stage, you can easily cross biomes like the Smoky Highlands and Glacier Peaks.

  • Know the strengths of Rangers and Warriors

You will get access to the six classes during this stage. You can play as a ranger or a warrior. As a ranger, the player can cause damage from a distance with the help of deadly weapons. Consequently, it will save your time and fixing costs.

On the contrary, you can defend yourself from incoming attacks through a shield. You can attack your enemies using cast spells that result in massive damage.

  • Look for Shrines

Shrines are an integral part of the adventure and resemble stars on the map. They are fast travel points that allow you to cover long distances and reach your home in a short period. These are positioned far away from your village, that’s why you need to perform a thorough search for them.

  • Attack Large Camps when you are prepared

Camps can be found in three forms – small, medium, and large-sized. Small and medium camps can be handled during the early stage. However, you need to level up your skills and equipment to destroy the creatures that reside in larger ones. Players must keep health potions and have attained level 3 to bring down the sub-bosses like Dokkalfar Witches.

As a result, you can sack treasure chests containing other essential resources, upgraded equipment, and souls.

  • Protect Eir Effigies for Jotunns

Eir Effigies are responsible for carrying liquids or potions which are red and blue meant to activate special attacks. While slaying the legendary Jotunns, it is important to retain these effigies.

  • Prepare for the Blood Moon Event and the Arrival of Jotunns

You will confront two major opponents – the Helthings and Jotunns. The former is easy to manage as they appear at night only. However,  the Blood Moon Event is a challenging task as Jotunns roam around Midgard at any time of the day. Amongst all Jotunns, Angrboda is the most threatening giant and must be dealt with as soon as possible to protect the Seed of Yggdrasil from destruction.

Lastly, enjoy playing the Tribes of Midgard with these tips and tricks and move on an adventure that you have never been.

Lucas Luke: An Engineer, Youtuber, Sportsman and National Level Shooter with a Taste for Technology and Gadgets. Loves to Review Tech and Play the Most Demanding Games out there.