How to Step into the World of Livestream Video Games?

VideoGame Livestream

If you are a video game lover, you surely must’ve heard about video game live streaming. It has developed into a massive industry over the last decade, with giant companies investing billions of dollars into it. But for a beginner, video game streaming may seem quite overwhelming.

Plenty of platforms, gaming options, video processing, monetizing content, and a lot of processes that’ll make you think it is impossible for you. But did you know that a lot of professional streamers are not tech geniuses? They are just normal people who made a successful career by gradually developing their understanding of how game live streaming works. 

So, if your dream is to make a career out of video gaming, do not be hesitant to follow your dream. Here’s a quick guide for you that’ll make those first tiny steps into the world of livestream video games easy for you.

What is Videogame Streaming?

So let’s start with a brief and simple definition of Videogame streaming. Videogame streaming is the process of streaming yourself and your gaming sessions online for open viewing. It is much like general live streaming and other live content. The only difference is that the content here is the gaming session. 

Why Do People Watch It?

Well, video gaming is fun to play and also fun to watch. A majority of the people watching live streams of gaming sessions are in it for the sake of entertainment. It is simply interesting to watch different games and their features without having to buy them.

People also love to interact with their favourite gamers on chat. Other gamers also watch live stream sessions to get honest reviews and detailed information about a game they want to feature on their channel. 

So, people may have different reasons for watching video games live, but one thing is sure, there are millions of people watching game live streams every day. Stats show that the most popular game streaming platforms have over 2 million viewers at any given time. 

What Games Can I Stream?

The answer to this is simple; you can stream just any game you like. Streamers are already streaming games from different devices like Xbox, PlayStation, Computer games, or smartphone games. The best part about the gaming industry is that there are many popular fun games on every device, and there is a solid fan following for all good games no matter which device is being used. 

So if you play games on any device, you can start by streaming the same games. If you are good at the game and if you create an interesting atmosphere for viewers during your live sessions, you can begin your game streaming journey with just any gaming device you already have. 

What Equipment Do I Need to Begin Streaming?

Basic-level streaming is possible through any game streaming platform. You just need to register yourself on a game streaming platform and start streaming directly through your device. However, if you are serious about your sessions, it is better to step-up and produce better quality live stream videos for your viewers. High-quality videos gain viewership relatively faster than basic videos. 

To make good videos, you will need a good microphone and a webcam so that your viewers hear you and see you clearly. You’ll also need a computer to process your videos online. Anything above the i3 processor and Windows 7 OS and 8GB RAM would do the trick. If you are streaming console games, then you’ll need a capture card to capture the screen. 

What is a Live Streaming Platform?

Download GameSee App

As mentioned earlier in this article, you will have to register yourself on a live streaming platform to start streaming your gaming sessions. A Live stream platform is a service provider that offers a platform where your videos are staged for viewers to watch.

The platforms are basically the YouTube of videogame enthusiasts. Streamers broadcast their videos on these platforms, and viewers visit these platforms to find their favourite content creators and their videos.

Several platforms host live gaming sessions, but some of the most popular game live streaming platforms are Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Mixer. However, as a beginner, you may find it hard to develop your viewership on such big platforms because of a high volume of competition and traffic on these platforms.

As a beginner, we suggest that you start with a lighter platform that’ll help you get more familiar with all the aspects of live streaming. We recommend that you Download GameSee App to kickstart your journey in the game streaming industry. GameSee allows you to stream mobile games easily and broadcasts your videos in the best quality.

It offers you all the features and benefits of a high-end game streaming platform with a user-friendly interface and tournament hosting capabilities. So, give it a try if you want to develop a successful career in game streaming seriously. 

How Monetization Works?

So, once you have the necessary equipment and a reliable gaming platform, you need to focus on monetizing your content. There are many monetization methods like sponsorships, subscriptions, merchandise, and paid promotions.

But monetization is still directly proportional to your viewership, and viewership is directly proportional to your stream quality. Stream quality here doesn’t just mean making high-quality videos; it means the quality of experience you provide to your viewers. 

You need to come up with different ideas for your content, stream different exciting games, and interact more and more with your viewers. All these methods will help you gain viewership, and then you can start by using paid promotions and sponsorships as basic monetization methods.

Once your channel gets more established, you may add subscriptions and merchandise sales to generate more money. 

And That’s It

Yes, and that’s really it.  You already know the whole process of how Livestream video games work as an industry and how content creators are able to make a stable career out of it.

So, if you really want to start streaming, don’t be hesitant and get started by registering yourself on a game live streaming platform right now.

Also Read: Top 7 Ways to Make Money with Gaming

Dave Daniel: Dave Daniel has been a Freelancer and Blogger for the past 3 years and is now the proud owner of The Tech Vamps. He has Expertise in the Areas of Technology, Science, Gaming, Gadgets, Hacking, Web Development, etc.