Cloud Gaming: Video Game Playing On The Go

Cloud Gaming

Cloud Gaming, sometimes also called internet gaming, is a kind of online gaming that functions on remote servers which are then connected to the user’s computer through the web browser. The server may be a third party website, such as a gaming website owned by Amazon or Yahoo, or it may be a specialized game server developed by an individual or group of individuals.

Some cloud servers are partially managed by their owners, while others are run by dedicated gaming platforms. The latter are popularly used by large online role-playing games (RPGs) such as World of Warcraft or Warhammer Online.

Cloud Gaming is similar to using a computer in a shared environment, except the user does not need to have his own hardware. Instead, he just needs a high quality internet connection, a computer that has enough memory to run the required software and a device capable of rendering graphics.

This is because most modern computers have built-in support for streaming. Some of the required components needed to run streaming games include a host system, a video card or graphics processing unit, a frame buffering server, a network adapter, and a router. In a typical cloud gaming setup, a client computer also needs a microphone, a camera, or a headset.

There are several advantages in using a cloud game streaming service. For example, they provide a stable, consistent high-end internet connection. Since it is controlled from a remote location, there is no problem with connectivity latency or reliability. Latency refers to delays that occur between the request from the remote server and the response from the client computer. When the connection is slow, the game can be delayed by several minutes, which can greatly affect the amount of fun a player gets from it.

Stadia Cloud Gaming

Most cloud gaming services use streaming technologies that are capable of eliminating any kind of latency. This is important for casual gamers who want to play without having to deal with annoying lag. Even when the connection speed is slow, latency is eliminated, making the experience of playing even more enjoyable. The result is that people playing in this type of environment can expect to have an enjoyable gaming experience.

Another advantage to using cloud computing technology is that people can play the same video games over again. With the use of streaming technology, people can play their favorite games repeatedly without having to re-download the whole thing. As long as they have an internet connection, they can start right where they left off. The only requirement is that they have a modern PC or a gaming laptop that has sufficient processing power and memory to take advantage of the numerous streaming options available.

The last major advantage to using a streaming service for playing online games is security. With the use of a remote server, data is stored on servers that are secure. Therefore, there is no worry about private data being compromised because the information is stored on a secure location.

With this security feature, people can enjoy playing their games without worrying about the privacy of their personal data. Most cloud gaming services also offer round the clock customer support, so that gamers can get any assistance they need during gameplay.

Although most people agree that it is fun to play games with others around the world, they don’t always want to be limited by geography. To solve this problem, some of the better cloud gaming services have introduced consoles. A console is basically a computer that can be connected to the web. By signing up, players can play games from anywhere that has a modern Internet connection. The main drawback to playing through a console is that most gamers are used to playing with a keyboard and mouse, and without the additional input of a controller.


In summary, there are several advantages to using cloud gaming services to play video games. The main benefit is that there is no longer any risk of input lag or connection issues. In addition, most video game consoles are now cheaper than ever, and gamers no longer need to buy new gaming PCs. Lastly, most cloud gaming services include extra benefits such as round the clock customer support and other features that add convenience.

In summary, the introduction of consoles has reduced the need for many gamers to own multiple gaming PCs. If you enjoy playing first-person shooters, role-playing games, or even MMORPGs, you may want to check out the advantages provided by cloud computing.

Also Read: 5 Best Cloud Gaming Services in India 2020

Dave Daniel: Dave Daniel has been a Freelancer and Blogger for the past 3 years and is now the proud owner of The Tech Vamps. He has Expertise in the Areas of Technology, Science, Gaming, Gadgets, Hacking, Web Development, etc.

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