What is Dogecoin? Learn more about DogeCoin


What is Dogecoin? A quick internet search can bring you to many answers about what is Dogecoin, how it started, and what it’s used for. But what does it stand for?

Doge (pronounced do-OH-grah) is a currency resembling the Shiba Inu breed of dog, an Asian tradition of caring and giving. Launched as a “joker coin” on 6 December 2020, Dogecoin rapidly became an online phenomenon with its dedicated community. Just like on eBay bids for Doge are not given until the buyer has a dog of his own, called a “sheep.” Anyone who purchases a sheep first is declared the winner.

It is easy to see how Doge started. A person posted on an internet forum asking about obtaining some digital currencies, like Doge. Someone else suggested that they donate the coins to the Jamaican Dogs, making Doge coin worth more than the actual money. And voila, a whole new industry was born. Since then, Doge has expanded to become a virtual currency used on several internet websites, including eBay, and it now has a dedicated market of its very own.

One interesting thing about Doge, besides the fact that it stands for something significant and exotic, is that it grew out of a tradition. Unlike many virtual currencies, Doge has a history. This history, unfortunately, does not lend itself to easy explanation, but there is some information that can be found about the Doge, its creators, and about the process of acquiring and using these special coins.

Doge was created to give people who don’t know or don’t care about the culture of their country as a means to get something for free, without having to dig through the dirt to find some gold. There are several different types of Doge coins. The most popular ones are called “proofs”. This term simply refers to a handful of coins that are made from actual diamond (usually around 0.5centimeters in size). One proof is Dogeographed, another is a colored Doge that’s done in gold.

One of the interesting things about Doge is that it grew out of a basic idea: if something has value, we should give it away for free. So, instead of giving diamonds or other precious stones away, why not give the coin? The recipient can then use it at whatever point in his or her life he or she wants. There have been many examples of this.

Doge has no central government, so it is hard to say how legitimate it is. Many countries, for example, actually mint Doge coins and give them away as a kind of currency. The most well known example is Brazil, which does so regularly. Other countries such as Egypt and Madagascar also issue Doge coins.

The rarest of the Doge coin is the “certiorari” coin, which is issued by the Vatican. It is worth over a million dollars and is only available to people who are very wealthy. It is granted to high-ranking cardinals and officials. Another rare form of the Doge coin is the “eternitates”. This coin is given to new parents who request it after their child has become a citizen.

A large number of collectors own Doge coins because they value the rarity of the item. No matter what a collector’s passion, he or she will always want a piece of history. The value rises over time, which makes the object a collectible.


For several years it was impossible to buy what is doge coin directly from an owner. One could purchase Doge gold and silver at reputable dealers, but that involves a great amount of travel. Today, the Internet provides a convenient way to search for the latest Doge coins. There are several online auction services that allow one to make direct purchases of valuable coins. These sites provide a comprehensive range of products, but the main advantage is that they provide a forum where collectors can chat with each other and exchange information about which coins they have and how much they will bid or pay for them.

With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can trace your Doge coin family tree. Doge gold coins are no longer just the stuff of secret elitist circles. Everyone can now become involved in the buying and selling of these precious objects. Whether you are a seasoned numismatist or just starting out, this is the ideal way to learn more about the fascinating history of this precious coinage.

If you are thinking about investing in Doge coins, then you may want to check out some of the online auction sites. You can also talk to other collectors to find out more about which coins they consider the finest. The Internet provides a wealth of information about all aspects of coin collecting, including the fascinating subject of what is dogecoin.

This easy to research topic allows you to connect to a world of dedicated people who share your enthusiasm for this once-obscure coinage. When you take the time to shop carefully, you can find the perfect piece for your collection or estate.

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Lucas Luke: An Engineer, Youtuber, Sportsman and National Level Shooter with a Taste for Technology and Gadgets. Loves to Review Tech and Play the Most Demanding Games out there.